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The mobile radiological laboratory is designed to determine preliminary and confirming identification of alpha, beta and gamma radioisotopes.

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Snímka obrazovky 2022-07-28 o 13.10.14.png


The mobile radiometric laboratory is intended to:

  • preliminary and confirmatory identification of alpha, beta and gamma radioisotopes found in samples of materials from areas of interest;

  • realization of screening of all alpha, beta and gamma radioisotopes in the form of organic and inorganic molecules, representing all potential radiation hazards in the specific operation;

  • determination of the original environment activity that causes contamination, including the identification of accompanying substances affecting the spread of radioactive substances in the environment and affecting radiotoxicity.


The analyses results are intended for decision process in the armed forces of the country, respectively for organizations operating in case of a radiation-emergency events.



  • High level of results reliability and accuracy due to use of high-tech equipment;

  • Use of developed new methods that shorten sample preparation for alpha

and beta spectrometry = rapid measurements;

  • The transportability by all means available;

  • High degree of self-sufficiency (independence from external power supply

and material refilling);

  • The autonomous control and information

  • system corresponding to NATO standards; 9Versatility means

of communication – the possibility to use anywhere in the world and any competent institution.



The R-MIL mobile radiometric laboratory is designed as a set consisting of two containers like ISO-1C, wherein the first container itself plays the role of the laboratory and the second container is designed to ensure that all support activities such as independent energy supply, storage and transport of necessary additional equipment, carrying out maintenance and service activities.

Compared to the incorporation of the box body vehicles incorporate laboratory in standardized containers increases the variability of the entire transport equipment (trucks, trains, ships, airplanes) and at the same time provides sufficient rigidity and strength necessary to ensure the shielding against ionizing radiation.

The laboratory is constructed so as to fulfill the tasks identified in the vicinity of the contaminated areas, including areas of direct threats, including work in populated areas. The proposed laboratory is suitable for working with samples of radioactive substances and materials in activities equivalent to 5 MBq of 60Co, which fully complies with the samples brought from contaminated terrain.

The uniqueness of the designed laboratory is based, inter alia, in the use of new original methods of sample preparation (particularly for the alpha and beta spectrometry), which shorten the time of measurement several times.



  • Quick qualitative and quantitative analysis of unknown radioactive contamination in delivered samples of suspect material and environment from the places of nuclear attacks or accidents with outflow of radioactive substances in accordance with NATO document AEP-49.

  • 9Acquisition of the essential information necessary for organizing effective comprehensive nuclear countermeasures and health protection measures.

  • 9 Quantitative determination of residual contamination in samples from the surface of the inspected material, including surveys the effectiveness of decontamination procedures and the efficiency of decontamination agents checking.

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