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Self-sufficient container type laboratory ISO-1C with high level security, special chemical-analytical facility that includes technological area, decontamination module and laboratory area.This Laboratory is equipped with its own communication and control system.


This Laboratory can:

  • make a quick qualitative and quantitative analyses of delivered samples of suspicious unknown material from environment affected by assumed chemical attack;

  • quickly determine the level of chemical contamination according to AEP-10;

  • obtain important information crucial for organization of effective complex radiation, chemical, biological and medical measures;

  • identify even more chemicals, dangerous industrial substances and middle-spectrum matters than required by STANAG 4632 annex A, D;

  • make supporting analysis which can also determine the level of residual contamination in delivered samples from affected environment;

  • evaluate the effectiveness of decontamination processes and control the effectiveness of decontamination agents;


Gas Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry -GC/MS (EI), FID.
High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry – HPLC/MS, MS-MS (ESI), DAD and preparatory HPCL.
Ramanov’s Spectrometry.
X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy.
Ultraviolet Visible Spectrophotometry UV-VIS.

To process samples, following methods are used:

Accelerated Solvent Extraction ASE.
Solid Phase Extraction SPE.
Solid Phase Microextraction SPME.


Time needed to set up the laboratory: up to 1 hour.
Time needed to prepare the laboratory for work: 1- 4 hours (dependent on the task).
Time needed to identify an unknown substance – preliminary/final: 2 – 6 hours.
Analytical control capacity: 40 samples in 12 hours.
Time of continual operation without replenishing: 12 hours.

© 2022  MTC SLOVAKIA, a. s.

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